Events: Retrospect
Conference »Jewish Cultural Heritage. Projects, Methods, Inspirations«, Warsaw, June 8 to 10, 2016. POLIN Museum
- Conference „Jewish Cultural Heritage. Projects, Methods, Inspirations”8,96 MiB
- Warsaw, Conference "Jewish heritage", Museum POLIN148,47 KiB
Major lectures and other material, including a Heritage Map with short video statements by members - including ShUM Cities Ass. - are reachable under:
The Map with Heritage sites is also to see under:
The Video about the conference:
Exhibition Opening on Judaism and Wine, September 1, 2016, Worms
- Exhibit Jews_Wine_Mayor Kissel194,92 KiB
- Opening Exhibit Jews_Wine_Schindler192,97 KiB
- Opening Exhibit Jews_Wine_Urban3,72 MiB
- Exhibit Jews_Wine_09 2016_149,94 KiB
- Exhibit Jews_Wine_09 2016191,08 KiB
- Opening Exhibit Jews_Wine_09_2016 a200,95 KiB
European Day of Jewish Culture, September 4, 2016, Mainz, New Synagogue
- European Day Jewish Culture 2016_Mz a192,85 KiB
- Prof Neuberg 4 9 20163,64 MiB
- European Day Jewish Culture 2016_Kempin2,42 MiB
- European Day Jewish Culture 2016_Mz215,02 KiB
Day of the open Memorial, September 4, 2016 in Speyer: A day around ShUM and the UNESCO-application
- Speyer, 11.9.20161,85 MiB
- Visitors in Speyer3,32 MiB
- Guided Tour in the Jewish Courtyard658,60 KiB
- Speyer, 11.9.20162,17 MiB
Exhibition Opening on Judaism and Wine, October 27, 2016, Mainz
- Exhibition Opening on Judaism and Wine, October 27, 2016, Mainz_a58,68 KiB
- Exhibition Opening on Judaism and Wine, October 27, 2016, Mainz3,99 MiB
- Exhibition Opening on Judaism and Wine, October 27, 2016, Mainz_b4,19 MiB
Press Conference Restoration Mikveh Worms, November 14, 2016
- Press Conference Mikveh Worms, 11/14/2016_b2,86 MiB
- Press Conference Mikveh Worms, 11/14/2016171,72 KiB
- Press Conference Mikveh Worms, 11/14/2016_a3,72 MiB
- Mikveh Worms327,30 KiB