ShUM-Cities Speyer, Worms, Mainz e.V.
Funding body: The German State of Rheinland-Pfalz, the cities of Worms, Speyer and Mainz, the Jewish Communities Mainz and Rheinpfalz and the State Association of the Jewish Communities Rheinland-Pfalz. (Cooperation agreement)
Management and Functions

Executive Chair
- Stefanie Seiler (Mayor City of Speyer)

Deputy Chairs
- First Deputy: Anna Kischner (Head of Jewish Community Mainz)
- Second Deputy: Adolf Kessel (Mayor City of Worms)

- Nino Haase (Mayor State Capital Mainz)

Extended Executive Board
- Michael Ebling (Ministry of Interior), Deputy representation: Cultural Heritage Unit, World Heritage Site
- Avadislav Avadiev (Head of Federal Association of Jewish Communities Rhineland-Palatinate)
- Israil Epstein (Head of Jewish Community Rhenish Palatinate)
Municipal Coordinators for ShuM
City of Speyer: Tanja Binder (Head of Department 3, Culture, Tourism, Education and Sports)
City of Worms: Dr. David Maier (Cultural Coordinator)
City of Mainz: Elke Höllein (Head of the Protocol Office and Public Relations)
The association works together with the state, ministries, specialized agencies, cities, institutions, scientific and museum facilities, educational institutions, associations and interested private individuals as well as representatives from public, political and cultural life in Germany and abroad to further develop the Jewish heritage of the SchUM sites, to plan projects and measures and to implement a uniform presentation.
A central task of the association was to develop the management plan by 2020 as part of the nomination dossier of the UNESCO World Heritage application.
What does that mean in concrete terms?
► To highlight the unique Jewish heritage of the cities of Worms, Speyer and Mainz even more publicly and make it better known worldwide.
► Developing framework conditions for the preservation, further development and presentation of the SchUM heritage in cooperation with experts worldwide.

The Budget of the ShUM-Cities e.V. is recently 140,000 Euro.
The Association is recognized as a non-profit organization. Donation receipts or membership fee confirmations are issued.