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Jewish Places
"Would you like to learn more about me? Me, the Raschi House? Then travel back with me, far back into the past. It began in the 12th century, more than 800 years ago.
The arches in the brickwork prove: I was a massive, multi-storey house, built - so we thought - for eternity."
The Jewish Quarter around 1760
The plan of the Jewish quarter is based on a report from 1760, which Samson Rothschild, as archivist of the Jewish community, published around 1900. The dense development along the Judengasse is striking in comparison to the loose structure south of the quarter. The gardens of the Jewish residents border on plots of land belonging to Christian neighbors, for example in Sterngasse. Despite urban development changes and destruction during World War II, the current appearance of Worms' Jewish quarter largely resembles the structure that has grown since the Middle Ages.